Why Regular Exercise Is Good For Your Health

group exercise class

Physical activity or exercise is extremely important in our daily lives as it comes with several benefits both physically and emotionally. Human beings have evolved from ancestors who were mostly nomadic which means that they spent most of their time on the move traveling long distances daily in search of food and shelter. The human body is designed and has evolved to be regularly active and people tend to develop problems if they minimize the amount of physical exercise they do. Most people probably know that engaging in regular physical activity is good, but they do not know how good.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

The benefits of regular physical activity and exercise cannot be ignored since everyone can benefit regardless of their physical ability, sex or age. In this article, we discuss some top benefits of regular exercise and why it can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

1. Prevents excess weight gain

A regular trip to the gym is great for you since besides preventing excess weight gain, it also helps to maintain your weight loss. By engaging in physical activity, you will be burning calories and the more intense the exercise, the more calories you burn. However, consistency in your daily exercise routine is key. Even if you do not have a lot of time to engage in physical activity or to make a trip to the gym daily, you can still perform more household chores that are physically engaging or get more active by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Fights many health conditions and diseases

Most health conditions and lifestyle diseases are associated with lack of physical exercise. Regular physical activity can help combat a wide range of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, depression, metabolic syndrome and several types of cancer. Being active ensures that the blood is flowing smoothly while boosting “good” cholesterol and decreasing unhealthy triglycerides.

3. Gives you a much-needed energy boost

Whether you take the stairs to the office or visit the gym, regular physical activity significantly improves your muscle strength while boosting your endurance. By engaging in exercise, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your body tissues thus improving the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. When the heart and lungs are functioning properly, you have enough energy to tackle your daily chores.

4. Improves your sleep

Regular exercise has been known to help people struggling to snooze fall asleep more faster. Physical activity will also help to deepen your sleep.

5. Gives you an emotional boost

If you are looking for an emotional lift, engaging in physical exercise is the perfect way to help you feel better about your physical appearance and can also boost your self-esteem and improve your confidence levels. Physical activity stimulates the brain to produce various chemicals that will leave you feeling more relaxed and happier.

6. Physical activity can be enjoyable

Exercising can be a fun and social activity as it offers you the chance to unwind, while outdoors engaging in activities that make you happier. Through physical activity you also get a chance to connect with your friends or family in a social setting. You can join the local soccer team or hit the hiking trails as long as it is a physical activity that you enjoy.

7. Improves your muscle strength

Staying active ensures that your body muscles are strong while tendons, ligaments and joints remain flexible thus enabling you to move easily. This helps you to avoid injury and reduces the risk of joint and lower back pain since properly aligned joints will improve balance and coordination.

Exercise Routine

It is advisable to combine both moderate and vigorous exercise such as swimming, walking or running with strength and endurance exercises such as engaging in body weight exercises, lifting free weights or use of weight machines at least twice a week. Aim for at least 75 minutes of vigorous weekly exercise or 150 minutes of weekly moderate-intensity physical activity. Your physical activities should be evenly spaced out throughout the week. Losing weight or achieving all your fitness goals will require you to intensify your exercise efforts. However, remember to consult with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine especially if you have not engaged in vigorous physical activity for a long time or you have chronic health concerns like heart disease, arthritis or diabetes.

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