Fitness 101: Quick Basis You Must Know

group fitness

Staying fit is undoubtedly one of the most important components to staying healthy. However, becoming and staying fit isn’t easy. Most people complain of doing whatever it takes without getting the results they desire. However, any fitness goal can be achieved fast and easy provided you understand the simple “building blocks” of fitness success. Let’s get right into it;

Set fitness goals

Different people have different fitness goals. Some people want to get ripped, others just want to be able to run 10 miles non-stop. You should set goals depending on the fitness levels you want to achieve first before you start your fitness journey. Goal setting will give you direction and help you gauge progress. One of the key reasons why many people struggle in their fitness journey is because; they have no direction, assessment mechanisms.

Have fun/enjoy

If you don’t purpose to enjoy your fitness journey from the start, you’re going to have serious challenges along the way. It’s easy to get tired/lose interest while reaching for your fitness goals. My advice - if the thought of running on a treadmill 5 times a week is unbearable, don’t do it! Instead, find physical activities you enjoy doing. If you love the outdoors, you can achieve the same fitness goal hiking. If you are a social person, ditch the treadmill and join a running club. Linking your fitness journey with fun but beneficial activities will help you stay consistent. You never get bored doing something you love.

Drink enough water

This is a commonly overlooked but critical component to having a successful and consistent fitness journey. Although many people struggle to see a link between fitness and water, staying hydrated is critical. Your body can’t perform optimally (break down stored fat, build muscle, etc) when you don’t drink enough water. Regarding intervals and amounts, it’s advisable to “listen” to your body and watch out for some key signs of dehydration. When exercising, you are bound to feel thirsty often. Drink as much water as you need to quench your thirst. Also, watch out for the color of your urine. Urinating small quantities of bright yellow urine is a common sign of dehydration.

Take proteins and greens

Proteins are crucial in any fitness journey. A diet packed with proteins will make you fuller for longer accelerating fat loss while boosting muscle growth. However, focus on natural protein sources and train hard. Before you consider protein supplementation, do your research. Bundling protein with greens will also go a long way in providing you with essential vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants in your diet which are crucial for fitness and overall health.

Get enough sleep

You need 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day to get the best fitness result. After strenuous workouts, your body needs time to recover. Lack of enough sleep increases your cortisol levels hampering proper recovery. Important: Some exercises such as strength/weight training have effects that go beyond the gym. You continue burning fat hours after a serious weight training session. For this reason, don’t “kill” yourself in the gym at the expense of some good rest. Doing so is counterproductive.
Consider weight training

Cardio exercises are great. However, doing them without lifting weights will make you “skinny fat”. Resistance training boosts your metabolism. It builds lean muscle which allows you to burn more fat. Increased muscle mass means less fat, more strength as well as a better shape and tone. Think twice before skipping a weight training session.

Remain consistent

You can’t achieve your physical fitness goals if you are not consistent. You must show up when you need to and put in work. You can’t get physically fit in a week. Fitness is a journey made up of small consistent efforts. This is precisely why you must choose physical activities that are fun. Showing up every day to do something you hate is mentally challenging. It doesn’t matter how slow you move. Purpose to keep moving, you’ll achieve your fitness goals eventually.

In a nutshell, the above info. summarize the most important fitness tips. Of course, there is much more to fitness than what we’ve discussed above, however, follow this information to the letter and start getting some results. It’s advisable to do more research since fitness is a vast subject that can’t be covered in one blog post.

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